Dress Up & Suit Up

Dress Up & Suit Up

Our Dress UP & Suit UP event was truly a blessing and went off without a hitch. Between all of the suits flying off the racks and our shoe/laptop giveaways, we had to cut off registration due to the abundance of attendees! We achieved great success; over 800 suits, 209 shoes, and 13 laptops were given away at the event. Not only were we able to provide tangible goods, we were able to reach so many of our youth on an inspirational level as we had many one-on-one conversations and networking opportunities available.

In the midst of the Dress UP & Suit UP event, we also had a Career Fair, a U.S. Bank Informational, and an announcement from Amazon stating they have available scholarship opportunities for Harris-Stowe State University students. This event was meant to be more than just a suit drive, but also a life changing opportunity and we accomplished just that. We would like to thank our donors who made this possible; The Steward Family Foundation, Bespoke Apparel, Tom James Custom Clothing Company, Nike (Josh Peters), James Richardson, Amazon.com Inc., U.S. Bank, all of our volunteers (big thanks to Buffy Dillon, City from Derrty Ent., Mr. & Mrs. Cotton, and Mell with Phillies Cheesesteaks & Wings, check them out, and thank you to all of the other volunteers not mentioned) and lastly, but definitely not least, we’d like to give a huge thanks to Jeff Shaw and Harris-Stowe State University for partnering with the R. Whittington Foundation to make all of this possible. We give all of the glory to God and remember, Love Wins.

Rickey Whittington in Suit
By R. Whittington Foundation May 12, 2023
In addition to our partnership with Midland States Bank, we’ve also partnered with Tom James Custom Clothing Company to provide over 500 suits to our youth. The R. Whittington Foundation will distribute the business attire to our local universities in hopes of providing them with the tools necessary to dress for success. Our goal is to not only have our youth present well, but to also FEEL well. The power from confidence is like non-other and if we’re able to boost the self esteem of those who need it then that’s exactly what we’ll do. We’d like to give a huge thanks to Ben Lawler & Jordan Trautmann for all of their help and we’d like to give an even bigger thanks to all of the donors who helped to make this possible. Without your help we can’t do what we do, and for that we thank you.
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